Octane Energy Drink Testimonial
"I Love OCTANE Energy Drink..... Its the Real DEAL...."
Being a trainer, instructor and full time college student, I am always on the go with having to eat every 2 1/2 hours, and working out 6 days a week plus studying, it gets very hard on me living this lifestyle. Most energy and pre-workout drinks make me sick, and gain weight because of sugar and the additives, and hating the crash after is awful. Trying Octane was the best thing for me, at first I wasn't really thinking it would work but I tried it and it didn't make me shaky, crash, nor feel sick, it did the opposite. I have healthy energy, my attention span last more then it use to. I can get through my days, in class, labs and finish my workouts fully with out being tired. I also like how it tastes, and how you can make smoothies and other drinks with it. I have noticed healthy muscle tone, and energy. I recommend this for people that want a healthy life style,trainers, people training for competitions and the college students. :-)