Octane Energy Drink, The Healthy All-In-One Energy and Sports Drink Mix
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Terry East  of Marshall  Minnesota

Octane Energy Drink Testimonial

"Love Love Love it"

I am very active and lift weights when I have time.  Octane Energy Drink has supplied me with the energy I need and the Nutrients I need after a good workout.  I work in an office which consist mostly of females, I gave a sample to a couple of gals who teach Arobics at the Y and they said it is hands down a superior product versus what they had been using. They, including my wife and myself cannot live without it. Thank you for making a product that not only tastes good but is also good for you!

Terry East

Marshall , Minnesota

ProSport Energy Drink Octane Energy Drink Recipes Octane Energy Drink Testimonails
ProSport Nutrition Manufactures OCTANE Energy Drink™, The ULTIMATE Healthy All-In-One Energy and Sports Performance Drink Mix
Daily Healthy Nutritional Products
For Optimal Health and Performance

ProSport Nutrition
Texas Based
Made in the USA


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FDA Registered Facility, GMP Good Manufacturing Certified, Informed Choice Approved Manufacture, USDA Organic, Quality Assurance International Certified Organic